QUIZ Q4-2 Video Conferencing Quiz



Direction: Copy the letter and the text of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a popular video conferencing tool?

   a) Zoom

   b) Facebook

   c) Instagram

   d) WhatsApp

2. What is the purpose of muting your microphone during a video conference?

   a) To prevent background noise

   b) To make it difficult for others to speak

   c) To save battery life

   d) To increase the video quality

3. When participating in a video conference, it is important to:

   a) Dress casually

   b) Use inappropriate language

   c) Be respectful and professional

   d) Use the chat feature only

4. Why is it important to maintain eye contact during a video conference?

   a) It helps improve internet connection

   b) It shows that you are paying attention

   c) It helps reduce echo

   d) It improves the video quality

5. What should you do if you experience technical difficulties during a video conference?

   a) Give up and leave the meeting

   b) Troubleshoot the issue or contact technical support

   c) Interrupt the host and ask for help immediately

   d) Start another video conference

6. Which of the following is considered good video conference etiquette?

   a) Speaking loudly and interrupting others

   b) Using excessive hand gestures and movements

   c) Keeping the camera steady and still

   d) Multi-tasking and checking emails simultaneously

7. How can you minimize distractions during a video conference?

   a) Having multiple conversations in the background

   b) Turning off notifications on your device

   c) Eating a snack while on camera

   d) Playing music in the background

8. What should you do if you need to leave a video conference early?

   a) Disconnect without informing anyone

   b) Politely notify the host or organizer before leaving

   c) Turn off your camera and mute yourself without saying anything

   d) Wait until the meeting ends, even if it conflicts with your schedule

9. What is the purpose of screen sharing during a video conference?

   a) To display a presentation or document to others

   b) To showcase your favorite video game

   c) To change the virtual background

   d) To take control of the host's computer

10. When is it appropriate to use video filters or virtual backgrounds during a video conference?

    a) When you want to hide your identity

    b) During important presentations or formal meetings

    c) In every video conference

    d) When you feel bored and want to entertain yourself


Certainly! Here's the answer key for the quiz questions on "Video Conferencing - Tools and Etiquette":

1. a) Zoom
2. a) To prevent background noise
3. c) Be respectful and professional
4. b) It shows that you are paying attention
5. b) Troubleshoot the issue or contact technical support
6. c) Keeping the camera steady and still
7. b) Turning off notifications on your device
8. b) Politely notify the host or organizer before leaving
9. a) To display a presentation or document to others
10. b) During important presentations or formal meetings

Make sure to provide the answer key to your students when administering the quiz.


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