4th Periodic Test in Technology & Home Economics 6

SY 2022-2023

Name: ______________________________________________ Score: ___________

LRN: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________

Test I. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following best describes a student who produces simple products?

   A) Someone who buys and sells products

   B) Someone who shares materials on wikis

   C) Someone who participates in video and audio conferences

   D) Someone who creates basic items

2. What is the main characteristic of buying and selling products based on needs?

   A) Posting and sharing materials on blogs

   B) Participating in video and audio conferences

   C) Producing simple products

   D) Meeting personal requirements

3. How should students sell products based on needs and demands in school and community posts?

   A) By creating basic items

   B) By sharing materials on wikis

   C) By participating in video and audio conferences

   D) By identifying and meeting the demands of others

4. In which manner should students responsibly post and share materials on blogs?

   A) By using social media platforms

   B) By collaborating on wikis

   C) By following safety guidelines

   D) By participating in video conferences

5. What is a safe and responsible way for students to participate in video and audio conferences?

   A) Sharing personal information freely

   B) Accepting video calls from strangers

   C) Using appropriate online etiquette

   D) Talking over others during the conference

6. What task involves creating an online survey form?

   A) Processing online survey data

   B) Using functions and formulas in an electronic spreadsheet tool

   C) Using audio and video conferencing tools

   D) Sharing ideas and work through an e-group

7. Which activity involves using functions and formulas in an electronic spreadsheet tool to perform advanced calculations on numerical data?

   A) Creating an online survey form

   B) Processing online survey data

   C) Using audio and video conferencing tools

   D) Using an e-group to share ideas and work with others

8. Which tool is used to share ideas and work with others online through audio and video communication?

   A) Online survey form

   B) Electronic spreadsheet tool

   C) Audio and video conferencing tools

   D) E-group

9. What is the purpose of using an e-group?

   A) Creating an online survey form

   B) Processing online survey data

   C) Sharing ideas and work with others through audio and video communication

   D) Using functions and formulas in an electronic spreadsheet tool

10. Which task involves processing online survey data?

    A) Creating an online survey form

    B) Using audio and video conferencing tools

    C) Using an e-group to share ideas and work with others

    D) Using functions and formulas in an electronic spreadsheet tool

11. What are some advanced features of a slide presentation tool that allow you to create a multimedia presentation?

   A) Text and graphics only

   B) Text, graphics, and photos

   C) Text, graphics, photos, and animation

   D) Text, graphics, photos, animation, and embedded audio/video

12. Which of the following elements can be hyperlinked in a multimedia presentation?

   A) Text and graphics

   B) Text, graphics, and photos

   C) Text, graphics, photos, and animation

   D) Text, graphics, photos, animation, and embedded audio/video

13. What software can you use to create a multimedia presentation with advanced features?

   A) Spreadsheet software

   B) Movie editing software

   C) Word processing software

     D) Web browser software

14. When creating a multimedia presentation, what does embedding audio and/or video mean?

   A) Inserting audio or video files directly into the presentation

   B) Adding hyperlinks to external audio or video sources

   C) Recording audio or video within the presentation software

   D) Editing existing audio or video files within the presentation software

15. Which software tool would you use to create a movie-style multimedia presentation?

   A) Slide presentation tool

   B) Spreadsheet software

   C) Movie-making software

   D) Web browser software

16. What is the purpose of producing simple products?

   A) To earn money

   B) To fulfill personal needs

   C) To gain popularity on social media

   D) To contribute to the community

17. How does buying and selling products based on needs benefit individuals and communities?

   A) It promotes environmental sustainability

   B) It helps develop entrepreneurial skills

   C) It encourages social interaction

   D) It enhances creativity and innovation

18. Why is it important to sell products based on needs and demands in school and community posts?

   A) To maximize profit

   B) To attract more customers

   C) To meet the requirements of others

   D) To gain recognition and fame

19. What does it mean to post and share materials on blogs in a safe and responsible manner?

   A) Ensuring the content is engaging and entertaining

   B) Respecting copyright laws and giving proper credit

   C) Promoting personal opinions and beliefs

   D) Using flashy graphics and visuals to attract attention

20. In what ways can students participate in video and audio conferences in a safe and responsible manner?

   A) Sharing personal information freely

   B) Allowing access to unknown participants

   C) Using appropriate language and behavior

   D) Multitasking and using other apps simultaneously

21. What is the primary purpose of creating an online survey form?

   A) To process numerical data

   B) To share ideas in an e-group

   C) To perform advanced calculations

   D) To collect information from respondents

22. How can functions and formulas in an electronic spreadsheet tool be used effectively?

   A) To create online survey forms

   B) To process survey data

   C) To share ideas in an e-group

   D) To perform audio and video conferencing

23. What is the main benefit of using audio and video conferencing tools for sharing ideas and work online?

   A) Performing advanced calculations

   B) Creating online survey forms

   C) Collaborating with others remotely

   D) Processing numerical data

24. What are the key elements that can be included in a multimedia presentation created using slide presentation software?

   A) Text, graphics, and photos only

   B) Text, graphics, photos, and hyperlinked elements

   C) Text, graphics, photos, and animation

   D) Text, graphics, photos, animation, and embedded audio and/or video

25. Which software would be most suitable for creating a multimedia presentation with moving images and sound?

   A) Word processing software

   B) Spreadsheet software

   C) Slide presentation software

   D) Moviemaking software

26. Which of the following actions demonstrates the ability to analyze a product's features and qualities?

    A) Producing simple products

    B) Buying and selling products based on needs

    C) Selling products based on needs and demands

    D) Posting and sharing materials on blogs

27. In what way does selling products based on needs and demands in school and community posts require analysis?

    A) Evaluating the safety of materials

    B) Identifying the demands of others

    C) Collaborating with others on wikis

    D) Participating in video and audio conferences

28. How can students analyze the impact of their posted materials on blogs in a safe and responsible manner?

    A) Tracking the number of blog views

    B) Monitoring the feedback and comments received

    C) Participating in video and audio conferences

    D) Creating simple products to sell online

29. When participating in video and audio conferences, what is an essential aspect that students should analyze?

    A) The technical requirements for joining the conference

    B) The appropriate etiquette for online communication

    C) The popularity of the video conferencing platform

    D) The availability of products for buying and selling

30. Analyzing the needs and demands of others is crucial when engaging in which activity?

    A) Producing simple products

    B) Buying and selling products

    C) Sharing materials on wikis

    D) Participating in video and audio conferences

31. What is the purpose of creating an online survey form?

   A) To perform advanced calculations on numerical data

   B) To share ideas and work with others online

   C) To collect data from a target audience

   D) To process online survey data

32. How does using functions and formulas in an electronic spreadsheet tool enhance data analysis?

   A) By creating online survey forms

   B) By sharing ideas and work with others online

   C) By performing advanced calculations on numerical data

   D) By using audio and video conferencing tools

33. What is the primary benefit of using an e-group to share ideas and work with others?

   A) Processing online survey data

   B) Creating an online survey form

   C) Enhancing data analysis with functions and formulas

   D) Collaborating and exchanging ideas with a specific group of people

34. Which of the following features can be used to enhance a multimedia presentation created with slide presentation software?

   A) Spelling check and grammar correction

   B) Slide transitions and animations

   C) Word processing tools and formulas

   D) Print preview and page layout options

35. What software can be used to create a multimedia presentation with advanced features such as editing videos and adding special effects?

   A) Spreadsheet software

   B) Moviemaking software

   C) Web browser software

   D) Graphic design software

36. Sam wants to sell handmade bracelets to his classmates. He decides to make a poster advertising his bracelets and hang it in the school hallway. Which level of Bloom's Taxonomy is Sam applying in this situation?

   A) Remembering

   B) Understanding

   C) Applying

   D) Creating

37. Emma is participating in a video conference with her classmates. During the conference, she actively listens to others, asks relevant questions, and shares her ideas clearly. Which level of Bloom's Taxonomy is Emma applying in this situation?

   A) Remembering

   B) Understanding

   C) Applying

   D) Analyzing

38. A student who produces simple products applies their knowledge and skills to create basic items. Which of the following scenarios best demonstrates the application of this skill?

   A) Using a 3D printer to make a complex model of a historical building.

   B) Baking cookies using a recipe and selling them at a school fundraiser.

   C) Writing a blog post sharing thoughts and opinions on a book.

   D) Participating in a video conference with a guest speaker.

39. When participating in video and audio conferences in a safe and responsible manner, what action demonstrates the application of this skill?

   A) Sharing personal information freely during the conference.

   B) Accepting video calls from strangers without verifying their identity.

   C) Using appropriate online etiquette and manners during the conference.

   D) Interrupting and talking over others during the conference.

40. How can a student enhance a slide presentation by adding embedded audio and/or video?

   A) By using advanced animation effects

   B) By including hyperlinked elements

   C) By incorporating text and graphics

   D) By inserting audio and/or video files

41. When evaluating the effectiveness of selling products based on needs and demands in school and community posts, which of the following factors should be considered?

   A) The number of products sold

   B) The profit earned from selling

   C) The satisfaction of the buyers' needs and demands

   D) The popularity of the products among peers

42. Which of the following is an important criterion for evaluating the safety and responsibility of participating in video and audio conferences?

   A) The number of conferences attended

   B) The length of time spent in conferences

   C) The adherence to online etiquette and guidelines

   D) The number of personal contacts made during conferences

43. When using an electronic spreadsheet tool to perform advanced calculations on numerical data, which feature would be most helpful?

    A) Creating an online survey form

    B) Processing online survey data

    C) Using audio and video conferencing tools

    D) Using functions and formulas

44. What is the main purpose of using an e-group to share ideas and work with others online?

    A) Creating an online survey form

    B) Processing online survey data

    C) Using functions and formulas in a spreadsheet

    D) Collaboration and Cooperation with others

45. Which of the following features allows a student to enhance a slide presentation with embedded audio and/or video?

    A) Hyperlinked elements

    B) Animation effects

    C) Graphics and photos

    D) Advanced slide presentation tools

Test II. Writing. On the spaces provided for, answer the following question shortly but clearly (5 points)


Given your knowledge on PowerPoint presentations, how can you make money with it?


Prepared by: 


Teacher III

Checked & Approved: 


Principal I



1 1. D

2 2. D

3 3. D

4 4. C

5 5. C

6 6. A

7 7. D

8 8. C

9 9. C

10 10. B

11 11. D

12 12. A

13 13. B

14 14. A

15 15. C

16 16. D

17 17. B

18 18. C

19 19. B

20 20. C

21 21. D

22 22. B

23 23. C

24 24. D

25 25. D

26 26. A

27 27. B

28 28. B

29 29. B

30 30. B

31 31. C

32 32. C

33 33. D

34 34. B

35 35. B

36 36. C

37 37. C

38 38. B

39 39. C

40 40. D

41 41. C

42 42. C

43 43. D

44 44. C

45 45. D

46 Teacher’s Discretion






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